Transfer money exchange to bank

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Transfer money exchange to bank

Postby Leen » Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:46 pm

Is it possible transfer money from my wallet btc to bank account and what are the risks?

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Re: Transfer money exchange to bank

Postby Covidone » Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:40 pm

Question is vogue... You have a whole page so you can explain the situation bit better if you want right answer to your problem...

I will write an answer based on my assumptions... Since you are asking risk either bank or wallet does not belong to you...

If you directly transfer to one and another all transfers will be logged and you will be exposed... Especially money source is not clean it will be huge problem...

To dodge those problems people get bank and crypto drop accounts... People transfer funds to those drops and cash out or use from there...

For example if wallet does not belong to X person, X person buys or creates a wallet exchange account under Y fullz... X person transfer funds from victim's wallet to created drop wallet under Y fullz... Then make it disappear under that wallet using 3rd 4th ghost wallets... Then transfer cleaned funds to their own wallet and transfer to their own bank accounts or exchange fiat from local offices...

Same example applies for bank accounts...

Until reaching cleaned funds, noone uses their own wallets and bank accounts for operations... Cleaned funds has no risk to use...

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