Anonymous Crypto Wallet

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Anonymous Crypto Wallet

Postby Rozz » Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:49 pm

Is there such thing as a completely anonymous crypto wallet to hold Bitcoin and such?

If so, what wallets do you use to hold/transfer such things?

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Re: Anonymous Crypto Wallet

Postby Covidone » Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:33 pm

Well there is no %100 anonymous Wallet for BTC...

All BTC addresses are on network and the amount can be easily seen via block explorers. Also the transaction IP and everything. BTC is pretty much open book. To stay hidden you need to use vpn/socks5/rdp while making transactions... But still not much you can cover since all TX announced and all wallets can be watched...

People move to XMR due to that... There are several other coins like ZCash, DASH, etc. But most close to be fully safe is Monero-XMR... However, XMR-Monero although hides the wallet balance and blocks, it doesn't completely hides TX. Only cloaked the TX, means still you need to stay anonymous while making TXs till you move to clean area. There are several projects and ideas to trace XMR but not publicly announced the full tech. So you can't fully trust XMR as well... That is why people pay mixers and cleaners commissions to launder the funds... Otherwise, all you need to change into XMR and feel safe... Wish that was the reality.

But with all those said, all wallets are anonymous unless you make one in coinbase, binance and any other exchange market using your own info and verify that. Rest of the wallets' owned ID is hidden till you make too many mistakes as I stated and expose yourself. So to stay like that protect your private keys and don't use computers that can be targeted to rats and Trojans. lastly always stay hidden while making transactions especially with dirty funds. You will stay safe with that.

If you have huge amounts, I advise get a cold wallet and use only secure platforms to make transactions.

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