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Hack WI-FI Step by Step Using wifite Kali Linux

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:55 am
by ethical hacker
To fully optimize the forthcoming procedures, it's important to procure two wireless cards of the Alfa brand. Should you require guidance on configuring the Alfa cards on a Kali virtual machine, kindly refer to the following resource:

1.- Enter the following command in the terminal:

Code: Select all

sudo wifite --kill

(The inclusion of the "--kill" parameter is intended to cease any potentially conflicting processes that could impede the operation of wifite).

2.- Opt for the Wi-Fi network card of choice and initiate the operation of the wifite tool for approximately 1 minute. Subsequently, upon completion of this interval, employ the CTRL+C command and designate the specific Wi-Fi network you intend to focus on. An advantageous attribute of the wifite tool is its capability to target not just one but "all" Wi-Fi networks within your vicinity simultaneously. Given the automated nature of this tool, one has the liberty to engage in other activities while wifite diligently operates in the background.
It's advisable to confirm the presence of clients already linked to the targeted Wi-Fi network to facilitate a comprehensive cycle through each attack method.

3.- Allow wifite to endeavour in the decryption of the specified Wi-Fi networks you have designated for targeting. Upon successfully capturing a 4-way handshake, it will proceed to apply a default wordlist in an attempt to decipher the password, with the aim of successfully cracking it. Nevertheless, there are instances where the default wordlist may prove insufficient, necessitating the utilisation of a more extensive alternative.
Given that WPA/WPA2 mandates a minimum password length of 8 characters, it's relevant to employ a wordlist comprising passwords exceeding 8 characters for optimal effectiveness.

There are additional wordlists that can be employed if a thorough approach is required to enhance the likelihood of successfully cracking the Wi-Fi password:
To specify the desired wordlist when executing wifite, follow this command:

Code: Select all

sudo wifite --dict /path/to/wordlist

4.- Certain passwords, may prove challenging to crack. It's a common occurrence to encounter difficulty in decrypting WPA/WPA2 passwords when robust security measures are in place. In scenarios where access to the Wi-Fi network is imperative and exhaustive attempts are warranted, the option of acquiring extensive WPA/WPA2 wordlists becomes essential.
To pursue this approach, one can leverage hashcat for the decryption of WPA/WPA2 passwords. This involves obtaining hashcat software along with a substantial WPA/WPA2 wordlist:

5.- In preparation for hashcat usage, it's imperative to convert the .cap file into a format compatible with hashcat. Navigate to the directory where wifite stored the .cap file associated with the network that has proven resistant to decryption attempts using standard wordlists.
Upon saving the WPA/WPA2 handshake in a .cap file through wifite, labelled as "wificrack.cap" or any preferred designation, execute the following command to facilitate the conversion process:

Code: Select all

aircrack-ng -j hashcat.hccapx wificrack.cap

6.- You have successfully generated an hccapx file tailored for hashcat usage. Subsequently, harness the GPU on your host machine to notably enhance password cracking capabilities. For Windows, procure hashcat for Windows and execute it as "hashcat.exe".
Utilize the following command format to initiate the password cracking process:

Code: Select all

hashcat -m 22000 hashcat.hccapx WORDLIST

(Here, the parameter "-m 22000" denotes the hash file type, specifically pertaining to WPA/WPA2 encryption).

Should the current cracking attempt prove unsuccessful, kindly anticipate the forthcoming attack that will be uploaded shortly.