WiFi Router Passwords

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Cyber Arch
Posts: 65
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:57 am

WiFi Router Passwords

Postby Cyber Arch » Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:05 am

When ye're lookin' tae get intae someone's or a business' WiFi network, ye need tae get intae the router's settings (admin panel) tae see whit devices are connected, their MAC addresses, and their names; this way ye can create a fake page that looks real fancy wi' aw the colours, logos, router/ISP name, and such. So when folk connect tae the network, they'll be asked tae download a "firmware" update for the router, but in truth they're gettin' a nasty RAT or ransomware instead, and BAMMM brou, ye've got yerself a compromise.

When ye're tryin' tae crack a wifi network and ye see the router's internal IP is 198.168.X.X., it means ye're on a home network where folk dinnae ken much aboot settin' things up, so 90% o' them will likely still be usin' the default logins like admin:admin, admin:password, admin:1234, and so on. Tae make this job easier, we hae these online lists o' words tae help us figure oot the default credentials based on the Router Manufacturer.

1. https://www.routerpasswords.com/

2. https://192-168-1-1ip.mobi/default-router-passwords-list/

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